
lelaki perasan handsome lebih ramai dari lelaki betul-betul handsome

ini adalah antara dalam kepala otak lelaki yang bajet handsome

 Muka aku ni dah macam mamat korea dah. Kasi pacak sikit, aku kan handsome pacak-pacak ni.
  Hurm...ani, rani, siapa lagi ea nak jadi sparepart aku ni
 Mana main awek buruk...talk to the hand laa

 Minah tu usha aku..Boleh blahlaa...
  Orang macam aku mana layan bundle
  Aku ni handsome jugakkan?
  Saya boleh couple dengan awak, tapi saya ramai kawan perempuan. Harap awak tak kisah.
 Huishh..pencarian hero remaja!! Wahaha..aku masuk ni confirm menang
  Hebat giler aku, 6 pax kot
Jika korang tergolong dalam golongan ni, jangan lupa beli cermin. Beli yang besar punya :D

Perempuan perasan alim kutuk perempuan free hair

ni bukan entry sebab nak mengaibkan siapa-siapa... Tapi...terdapat sesetengah wanita yang mempunyai persepsi yang buruk terhadap wanita yang tidak bertudung..lebih senang dikenali sebagai free hair...

Bagi saya..wanita ni tergong dalam golongan yang 'tak sedar diri'

tahu tak kenapa?

Memang tak dinafikan apa yang dicakapnya atau dikutuknya betul...tapi ayatnya yang tak berapa nak betul. Jahil? Tak laa...ilmu ada..kalau tak, mana mungkin dia berfikiran begitu...

Si wanita yang perasan bagus ni berkata.. "Apa guna dia solat puasa, kalau tak pakai tudung"

Bagi golongan yang free-hair ni mesti ada yang panas hati...maynbe ada juga yang cool je..

Secara positifnya, apa yang dicakapnya betul. Tapi pasti ada kekurangan. Kekurangan diri sendiri dan tatabahasa yang digunakan.

 Pandangan pertama: Ohh..perempuan ni mesti alim.
Pandangan kedua: actually, perempuan ni salah seorang yang tak sedar diri...

siapa setuju?

Sebab, dia bukanlah antara wanita yang baik. Wanita yang baik, dia pakai tudung memang ikut syariat. Dan kalau dia pandang golongan free-hair ni, mungkin dia akan nasihati diri dia dengan cara yang betul. Bukan melemparkan kata-kata yang macam tadi laa...
Tapi, bagi golongan ni, keikhlasan untuk dia pakai tudung bukanlah pada tahap sempurna.

Bagi saya, tak salah menegur. Tapi apa kata kita tengok kelemahan diri sendiri dulu.

Saya hanya memrhati dan super duper menyampah dengan perempuan yang tak sedar diri..


٩(•̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃•̃)۶

alaa...mama ni...atoiyyai...nnt2 sambung plk...
5.32 p.m.

im back

thanks ♥love♥ for being with me for allzaidi this A friend is sweet when it is new. And it is sweeter when it is true. But you know what? It is sweetest when it is you.
What are the differences between a peso and a friend? A peso is easy to earn, a friend is hard to find. A peso loses its value, a friend increases its worth. I don't have a peso but I have you!
jirah! be a very valued and strong woman ok...
dont get easy to be influenced by not actually ur things.

hee...syikin...thanks dear...
I'm glad friendship doesn't come with price tags. For if it does, I'd never afford someone as great as you.
remember..how you be a very strong girl to face all that circumstances...
remember..this life is never unfair. Allah will give u a reward each gesture u did

how both of you give innumerable supports for me...to face many nefarious person..haha...thanks yaaa...
god will pay them who have a light hearted
I may have forgotten to say that I care. I may have failed to open up and share, but though no words have been spoken, my promise of friendship won't be broken.

hye acu! lama tak manja2 dgn acu... ACU BAIK! hehe...
thanks acu...igt lg tak time kita bakar diary my dorm-mate tuh..hehe...jahat betul kan. nasib baik dia dah maafkan...mcm2 laa....our memories with makcik..huh..bnyk sgt laa yg best2...
take care yaa kawan...Time and distance are important between friends. When a friend is in your heart, they remain there forever. I may be busy, but I assure you, you are always in my heart!

hee...apa nak ckp psl kau ea...
walaupun mama xsuka aku kawan dgn kau..keluar dgn kau...mesti dia ada sebabkn..tp aku xpernah slh aggap semua tu.. tu laa..siapa suruh nakal sgt...
just..aku rindu nk jog dgn kau...
take care about syikin k...dont make any trouble...
xsgka skrg ea...dah maju betul...
lg satu..jgnlaa merokok dah...xbaik untuk kesihatan laa...
Some friends are separated by time. Some are separated by differences. Some by distances, some by pride. But no matter how far you are or different we may be, you'll always be a friend to me!
jd bdk baik ok...


2007 untill 2009 ~our bond last forever~ ♥

she was my RTM (rakan teman merayap)
najirah..thanks tau sbb pernah sama-sama dgn aku buat kerja gila :P
walaupun kau kedekut kredit..haha...tp kau baik...
dgr cerita kau dh x kedekut kredit mcm dulu...main2 jela
kawan...sumpa aku xkn lupa the way of us dulu...
mesti skrg kau lg nakal kan...jgn nakal2 dh laa...
kita dh

anis elina was my team in robotic competition in two years. Bestlaa kau kan...banyak sijil kau (jealous) haha...
hazdnul shafina (in green) dia ni sumpa baik...fikiran dye mcm org dh besar...maybe sbb life dye ajar dye erti hidup sbnr...rindu nk dgr kau cerita mcm2

dyorg ni buang tabiat kot...haha...berpurdah.. :)
aku dulu pakai tdung mcm ni laa...tp x selabuh dyorg...

hishh..rindu koranglah...

elina si budak nakal!
aku egt lg...dye suka sgt pkai jam besar2

blkg asrama...walaupun bdk agama..dyorg still mcm yg aku knl...
means...lompat sana-sini...lbh2 lg si izati tu...

dulu aku PRS(Perosak Rakan Sebaya)
hebat kan aku...sbb aku suka pakai uniform warna purple... xlbh x kurang

anita! hai! nnt saya teman anda jalan2..haha

nak ckp apa lg ea..asyik gambar muka dyorg je...haha

act..dyorg bkn bdk2 kls aku...tp..aku rapat laa dgn semua...
berkawan biar seribu
 (xde modal nak tulis apa)

anyway...just nk korang tahu...aku rindu nk gather dgn korg..
plg aku xkn lupa...
in two days..we can finished princess hours yg byk gila episod dye...
blk tu dah mcm cinema dh

this man called faiz gempak..tp act xdela gempak mana pun...haha
aku knl dye dulu b4 bdk2 sklh tu knl dye
ktorg pna attend satu english international
xsgka plk jumpa dye awal tahun last year

HOT! no la...mana ada...
kalau aku xsilap lg laa
faiz, mahzuz, syakir, umm...xegt, azim, zabidi n muhaimin...
spe ea yg tgh2 tu...atoiyyai...lupa plk
mahzuz dulu dgn aku..jahat gila2 punya ahh...
syakir? hurmm...sorry psl kes dulu
zabidi..kau pun sama..senasib laa kn dgn syakir..haha
sorry laa ea...aku xde kerja time tu...

mat min...bdk ni comel kot..mcm bdk2 kecik..xtggi2 dh

3 budak poyo (bukan kau)

zabidi demanding owh
dye suruh aku tulis kat sini
dye laaa sahabat aku dunia akhirat...
kebaikan dye xpyh ckp la...tahap nirwana

♥farewell 2011♥

2011has been really AWESOME to me. i have had lot's of new experiences and learned innumerable, which i count as a very +ve breathtaking things. managing to build up my expanding brain and to face my SIJIL PELAJARAN MALAYSIA. It was pretty demanding, but very gratifying at the same time.
something i'm sure i'll benefit from in my future.
i thought i would flick back to see what i was doing in 2011. it makes me feel a lifetime ago. i just started all my school projects.
am i appear happy over it in august?
more flicking shows how i show a fight with my books, having crazy dorm-mate move in.
well...it's a bit of tension... MAYBE
AND the SEPTEMBER comes...
harhaaa... with so many problems came from my friends and to face all that stuff. i realized...sometimes, i might to be a legend...but sometimes i need to let anyone else to be a legend for their ownself.

my bestie ♥

Destined (House of Night) (2011)

Zoey is finally home where she belongs, safe with her Guardian Warrior, Stark, by her side, and preparing to face off against Neferet – which would be a whole lot easier if the High Counsel saw the ex-High Priestess for what she really is. Kalona has released his hold on Rephaim, and, through Nyx's gift of a human form, Rephaim and Stevie Rae are finally able to be together – if he can truly walk the path of the Goddess and stay free of his father's shadow… But there are new forces at work at the House of Night. An influx of humans, including Lenobia’s handsome horse whisperer, threatens their precarious stability. And then there’s the mysterious Aurox, a jaw-droppingly gorgeous teen boy who is actually more – or possibly less ... full description

hey...is'nt this cover look gorgepus?! and this isnts Stark - it's Aurox! Oooh! 

have you ever dreamt of wearing 6.0 inch heels?

To dream that you are wearing high heels, represents femininity and glamour. You feel confident and self-assured. On the other hand you may feel restricted and limited in your role as a female. You do not think that you can fully and freely express yourself.


Apa itu IELTS????

marilah menambah ilmu pengetahuan berguna tentang IELTS bersama saya:)

IELTS macam adik beradik TOEFL je..tapi, kita boleh pilih nak choose yang mana satu.

IELTS adalah akronim bagi International English Language Testing System. Test ini bolehla dipilih kalau korang adalah pelajar atau bekerja di negara yang guna BI sepenuhnya. Test ini diakui universiti dan perusahaan di berbagai-bagai negara terutamanya Australia, Kanada. 
IELTS diselenggara atas kerjasama University Of Cambridge ESOL Examinatios, British Council dan IDP:IELTS Australia.
Test ini dijalankan di pusat di mana lebih dari 100 negara di dunia. under 16 not allowed ok :)
ada dua modul. Academic dan General Training. Tambahan yang lain (listening, reading, writing, and speaking)
 Modul Akademik (Academic Modules) berfungsi untuk menguji kemampuan berbahasa Inggris seseorang.
Modul Umum (General Training Modules)menekankan pada kemmpuan bahasa dalam aspek sosial dan pendidikan.

  1. Listening
dalam masa 30 minit kita kena jawab 40 soalan
  1. Reading
60 minit dan ada 40 soalan.
Untuk modul akademik, teksnya diambil dari majalah, surat kabar, buku, jurnal. Selain itu juga terdapat ilustrasi gambar atau diagram dan ilustrasi beberapa pertanyaan.
Untuk modul umum, teksnya terdiri dari 3 bagian. Yang pertama disebut ‘social survival’, berisi teks2 yang berhubungan dengan kemampuan bahasa Inggris untuk kehidupan seharian. teks kedua disebut ‘training survival’, yang memfokuskan diri pada situasi dan program pelatihan. Teks ketiga disebut ‘general reading’, berisi bacaan yang lebih panjang dengan struktur bahasa yang lebih kompleks.
  1. Writing
6 minit, and kena buat dua essAY.  150 dan 250 word.
Dalam modul akademik, pada essay pertama peserta diminta untuk mendeskripsikan informsi dari sebuah grafik, diagram atau jurnal dengan pendapat sendiri. Lalu pada essay kedua peserta diminta untuk mengemukakan pendapat mengenai suatu masalah.
Dalam modul umum, pada essay pertama peserta diminta untuk menjawab sebuah permasalahan dalam bentuk penulisan surat. Pada essay kedua peserta diminta untuk mengemukakan pendapat mengenai suatu masalah.
  1. Speaking.
bahagian pertama yg berlansung selama 4-5 minit, kita kena cerita pasal diri kita, keluarga, pekerjaan, hobi dan topik umum.
bahagian kedua pula, kita dikehendaki baca sesuatu topik dan diberi 1 minit untuk pikir jawapan bagi soalan yang bakal diajukan. kemudian, penguji akan bagi soalan apa-apa dia nak laa...dalam masa 1-2 minit.
bahagian ketiga, kita dengan penguji akan berbincang mengenai topik yang berkaitan dengan bahagian 2. dalam masa 4-5 minit.

selalunya, untuk mendapatkan biasiswa, kita kena raih skor 5, 6 dan 7. tapi the highest skor 9. expert sangat2 ah siapa yang dapat skor tu.

Apa itu TOEFL????

korang pernah terdengar tak perkataan TOEFL? sure not... so, today..saya nak kongsikan pengetahuan laa...in BAHASA MELAYU ok? :D
TOEFL penting untuk sesiapa nak mohon biasiswa dari mana-mana Uni terutamanya INTI Colleague.

TOEFL adalak akronim bagi Tesr of English as Foreign Languaga... tahu kan maksud dia apa? :)
ianya test bagi kemampuan bahasa Inggeris buat bangsa yang tidak menggunakan bahasa inggeris sebagai bahasa rasmi. Malaysia :)
test ini diselenggara oleh lembaga Educational Testing Service yang berpusat di Amerika Syarikat. Test ini diselenggara dalam 3 format.

1. Computer Based Test atau CBT adalah format yang paling banyak digunakan oleh banyak negara di dunia. CBT TOEFL diselenggara 4 kali dalam setahun oleh institusi pendidikan dan pusat pelaksanaan test tertentu di negara masing-masing. 
    CBT TOEFL terdiri daripada 4 bahagian wajib dilaksanakan.
a. listening : mengukur kemampuan akan pemahaman lisan BI yang diucapkan oleh penduduk Amerika Utara
b.  structure : mengukur kemampuan pengenalan bahasa yang sesuai dengan standard tatabahasa BI.
c. reading : mengukur kemampuan untuk memahami bacaan-bacaan singkat.
d. writing : mengukur kemampuan menulis BI untuk sesuatu topik tertentu

2. Paper-Based Test, PBT adalah format test dalam bentuk pengisian kertas jawapan. Macam exam SPM sebab guna pensel 2B
Apabila pusat-pusat test tidak memiliki kemudahan komputer atau tidak menyediakan kemudahan fasiliti CBT. ujian akan diadakan selama 3.30 jam
PBT TOEFL terdiri daripada tiga bahagian yang wajib!

a. listening : mengukur kemampuan pemahaman lisan BI yang diucapkan oleh penduduk Amerika Utara.
b. Structure and Written Expression : mengukur kemampuan akan pengenalan bahasa yang sesuai dengan standard tatabahasa.
c. Reading : mengukur kemampuan untuk memahami bacaan singkat. Selain itu, Test of Written english (TWE) iaitu menulis essay pendek selama 30 init berdasarkan topik tertentu. wajib! sebab nanti kita akan dapat total skor bagi test TOEFL kita.

3. Internet Based Test atau iBT TOEFL, merupakan format terbaru test TOEFL yang diperkenalkan pada awal 2006. Public speaking :)

Kita kena capai skor 500 hingga 600 untuk lulus. ianya satu prasyarat biasiswa. Contohnya kalau korang nak mohon INTI colleague. Dan markah CBT yang terbaik antara 200 hingga 250


gemuk kan?
xla...fake picture

hye? this is me...with my brother

what should i wrote here...


I was very miserable and fighting hard on my problems. It comes non stop. I was scared. Its been long path since then, but pressure never ends in this life.
‘perforation problems’ by the way means to me.
The holes that always exist in any story.
Ill try to make my story.
So, hang on yamiya! Grom big ok!
Take your hits and keep going.

hey dude! :)

Dear friend..thanks for ur flattering offer. It’s great to know I have such a devoted steadfast friend out there. And im very sure you would make a great moment in ur life. Is it?
We have been separatedly and hard for me to go out with cute 17 years old girl. Still, it was cool of you to be nice.

Thank you, for ur day. You brighten up my gloomy subdued life before this. I read the whole fucking things dear.of course, I’d love to see you in ur suit…but, most of all I want to see you to take a deep breath and do whatever yoo must to survive and find something to be that you love. You’re obviously have an ample soul. Wish you a happy spirit.

the power of my actions

Abah and mama..
Seriously..thanks for coming to my school. Sorry, I’ve been mentally to diverted about my SIJIL PELAJARAN MALAYSIA and have had less contact.
At least, now I feel you can sense the diversity that I seem to have become an actuary and understand the problems involved in trying to do or be what we want. Yeah, in the limited time and circumstances we find ourselves in?

Anyway abah…
Don’t ever worried or avoid whatever chances you can. Between the bunch of us, we could possibly have a laugh and maybe cry too and save ur unwanted feeling.

Allah swt selamatkan mereka berdua..~

If you can, try to be less busy. We can make up for the missing moments whilst we are here. Together..

Thanks for the spiritual spirit!

Dear Najirah....

I don’t know how to start..
Ok laa..
I have no way of knowing how ur words were translated to me. Seriously… if their whole meaning and context were intact..ill move away from ur life.thats what ur want right?
But, the truth is, my mind going where it goes. Where you wanna me to go. Away from ur life.
Ure trying to be funny or not in mood maybe. But, its not funny at all.and I fucked up. I really fucked up.

And the worst of it…
It doesn’t really bother me. It just kill me to remember all the time we used to spend time together… whatever you told is what I think. I just…just think of you jirah.
Not that I seldom listened your problems and carry it away wherever I go.
Not that I believe in you.
But…because I love you with all my heart.

I love all my friends… so, do you.

Im only sad I didn’t get any chance to understand ur type of mood  before all this bad intrigue. The bad intrigue is not the trurth I know.

Lots of pairs of eyes will read this. Before it gets to you. Someday you’ll know exactly what means person to person. Man to man.

my little brother...

Hi! Im writing here so that the future generations will know how generation before they lived.. shall i?

My dearest azim…

He gets his drawing block out and started to draw some unpredictable cartoon.man with gun, without head, big mouthed fish and blab la bla….
He’s got no idea about fashion. His hair is always sticking up in the morning. Hope he knows what a comb is..haha

We have a white cat. Actually its not we. But he..the cat called as putihmutih.well, im not such a ‘cat hater’. Ailurophobia? Hoho..no lah..(siapa takut kucing :P )
Im not ok.azim is a cat lover.he loves cat much than he loves me maybe. Haha…there’s one time when he was below 7,  he throwed ‘the kitten’ in the drain. How could he…
That night, I scared him about that cat. His legs will be pulled by the cat from enetering jannah. He’s started to cry and try to love cats.when he was 8, he owned more than 7 cats in one time. Yerkss..ill never touched that creatures.

Anyway, he cant think for himself. Eat, pray, bath . so on..all need me n my mom to command him…

When im crying…he will find tissue for me and tried to wipe the tears. But..no.. haha… I’ll wipe it by myself laa…he said
“kakak menangis”…

When he came to my school…he said..
“kaki rah jangan menangis tau”…

Love him…

He is yellow-belly type…fearing ghost. Haha…always sleep with me…n scared to sleep alone…

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