

I want certainty my dear reader    
I want to know what prospect of work should be the best for me   Physician or become something that related with mathematics all the time   Engineer or actuary? The former may be the best for me but im not sure in what field. Aerospace or any else? Yes... I love Physics becouse it dives into basic nature of how things work. I always become comfortable studying something new in Physics eventhough it may be a quantum physics, something that unseen but play with logical mind. The letter might be the best too as I learnt Mathematics so seriously in this one year. Grrrr.... Algebra, Calculus, Statistcis, Engineering Maths, Vector... This uncertainty feeling makes me feel increasingly hopeless about my future. Am I on demand? What can I do to change my outlook and fullfill my life... huarghhhhhh! stress!

I was afraid if I turned into a lion chasing after a nut that Im not even sure I need.

Im searching something that reliable to grab ahold of!

These 7th and 8th of June are my IELTS exam days. Pray the best for me :(
My hope is Band 7
SUSAN... Thanks for taught me so perfectly

I had look backat everything that has turned out

I eneteredPASUM with a vision to get 4.0 for both sem.
I managed to get 4.0 for sem 1 and sem 2All the countless hardwork had return with a good feeling

Berbalik kepada asal
 Aku masuk PASUM sebab nak ambil IJAZAH AKTUARI cepat2. Bukan main2.

But everything had turned awayyyy. I just afraid of the future. Afraid of being rejected and while waiting for a graduate job oppurtunity to appear. Like this pictures saying

what should i do?  accept the uncertainty rather than fight it. and start to think the amazing outcomesthat i cant predict will follow me wherever I go? help me 

I am seriously in uncertainty

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