
Miles mean nothing when the person that is miles away means everything

bloggy..i want be honest with you
huhhh...how to start here
okay...im in love with this guy

gatai naa hang amira
haha... tapi tu lah... dia ni alim
asyik dengar tazkirah... tak de lah selalu, tapi pernah laa
anak uncle nordin
for sure bukan PASUM! 
okay... dia suka awak tak amira? ^^

treeeetttt treeeeetttt


ill never be brave like this to post about someone that id fall in love.. terang-terang kata im in love. But who cares? Tarak sapa nak baca bloggy yang uzur ni. 
Abang-abang pun tak boleh nak marah sebab dia tak pernah buat jahat pun. So seriously dia ni anak mak.

im in love
im in love
im in love


asyik im in love je... dengan ukulele pun im in love. Haishh...

amira! stop loving something or someone easily! You will get injured

Bla bla bla..you talk to me eh? Haha..yela yela... lepas ni tak nak buat dah

sayang mama, sayang abah, sayang allah, sayang nabi, sayang semuanya 

guys! if you love someone, dont too over confident he/she will be your life partner. Just ask Allah if he/she is the best for you. Doa senjata mukmin.
raise your hands =) ask to allah

see...easy right... budak kecik pun pandai

speak soon

nak jalan-jalan dengan senpai lepas ni

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