

٩(•̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃•̃)۶

alaa...mama ni...atoiyyai...nnt2 sambung plk...
5.32 p.m.

im back

thanks ♥love♥ for being with me for allzaidi this A friend is sweet when it is new. And it is sweeter when it is true. But you know what? It is sweetest when it is you.
What are the differences between a peso and a friend? A peso is easy to earn, a friend is hard to find. A peso loses its value, a friend increases its worth. I don't have a peso but I have you!
jirah! be a very valued and strong woman ok...
dont get easy to be influenced by not actually ur things.

hee...syikin...thanks dear...
I'm glad friendship doesn't come with price tags. For if it does, I'd never afford someone as great as you.
remember..how you be a very strong girl to face all that circumstances...
remember..this life is never unfair. Allah will give u a reward each gesture u did

how both of you give innumerable supports for me...to face many nefarious person..haha...thanks yaaa...
god will pay them who have a light hearted
I may have forgotten to say that I care. I may have failed to open up and share, but though no words have been spoken, my promise of friendship won't be broken.

hye acu! lama tak manja2 dgn acu... ACU BAIK! hehe...
thanks acu...igt lg tak time kita bakar diary my dorm-mate tuh..hehe...jahat betul kan. nasib baik dia dah maafkan...mcm2 laa....our memories with makcik..huh..bnyk sgt laa yg best2...
take care yaa kawan...Time and distance are important between friends. When a friend is in your heart, they remain there forever. I may be busy, but I assure you, you are always in my heart!

hee...apa nak ckp psl kau ea...
walaupun mama xsuka aku kawan dgn kau..keluar dgn kau...mesti dia ada sebabkn..tp aku xpernah slh aggap semua tu.. tu laa..siapa suruh nakal sgt...
just..aku rindu nk jog dgn kau...
take care about syikin k...dont make any trouble...
xsgka skrg ea...dah maju betul...
lg satu..jgnlaa merokok dah...xbaik untuk kesihatan laa...
Some friends are separated by time. Some are separated by differences. Some by distances, some by pride. But no matter how far you are or different we may be, you'll always be a friend to me!
jd bdk baik ok...

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