
what a shame ON iSRAEL!

this posted by Israel Controversy

this is bullshit prime minister NETANYAHU

leave ours!

im not afraid of you Netanyahu
i have allah in my heart
You want your fate be such ur late prime minister?
hahahaaa...poor man

netanyahu tewas

memalukan... (nak gelak kuat-kuat)

semester dua! here i come (*^.^*)

salam maal hijrah :0

bydaawaayyy.... nak masuk semester dua ni... result semester 1 pun berapa laa dapat tu... what matter it is... semester dua kena study betul-betul. Nanti tak ambil chemistry dah.. bila lagi nak belajar chemistry kan. 

hope my average nanti 3.5 and above... nanti degree nak further dalam software engineering :) macam pp ros. Hahaha... Bukan nak tiru dia okayy! 

dulu nak jadi macam

bill gates...
haa... cool kan? awesome gila mamat ni.. errkkk...mamat?

lepas tu nak jadi macam harith faisal.... okay... tak de gambar dia... dia yang patut dipersalahkan sebab suruh choose asasi kat um ni. Susah tahu takkk! haha...memain je... insyaAllah dia bakal aktuari malaysia. Kalau lah dapat jadi macam dia... SoB sOb
thanks harith...
blog dia

good luck kepada chap neysa widad dan sara ye

masing-masing bakal engineer, doktor, pharmacist
thanks sahabat :)
dioranglaa tempat nak mengadu ke, nak usik-usik, nak gelak kuat-kuat kat um ni

and for harith nordin...

ehhh...Harith lagi... okay... dia anak nordin... baru perasan

goodluck ye sahabat  :) peminat MU tegar... Bajet Rooney kononnya

okay...curik je gambar ni. Kisah apa? 

bakal chemical engineer... insyaAllah

kepada sahabat baik, wawa... good luck sayang.. You deserve happines. alhamdulillah
syukur laa... rindu sangat kat dia... annoying dia buatkan kita rindu :) next year am pergi melaka ye. Jumpa mama and acha

lilo... ok...malu nak cakap. tapi rindu dia jugak! dia terawesome cool...  dengar cerita result lilo gempak. congrates!

walaupun diorang tak kan baca... who cares? 

selembut bayu laut, menyampaikan ayat tuhannya demi sebuah redha

recently... i just made a simple researched about syiah and its differences with sunni... banyak sangat persoalan timbul... saya tak mahu anda mengaggap saya menindas agama syiah sewenang-wenangnya
saya juga bukan mahu amalkan amalan taqiyyah sewenang-wenangnya

demi Allah, saya seorang Islam

namun, hati saya terbuka untuk mengetahui tentang syiah

baru-baru ini... terbaca macam-macam pergolakan di syria.
ahlussunnah di syria disembelih hidup-hidup dan ada yang dikisar. persoalannya... siapa yang buat semua ni? ada ke ajaran yang menghalalkan kita buat benda ni semua?

okay..mesti golongan ni lakukan semua ni dengan sebab. tapi sebab apa? i just want the answer. tak kan sebab berlainan pegangan? 

soalan ini khas ditujukan kepada golongan ini...

-1- apa faedah sembelih orang?
-2- siapa tuhan kamu? tuhan kamu adakah seorang yang kejam? sehingga rela melihat hambanya yang tidak berdosa. Butchered like animal. Allah itu maha pengasih. tiada sebab untuk kamu lakukan demikian
-3- adakah nabi muhammad melakukan yang sedimikan rupa? buktikan
-4- kalau betul kamu benci sahabat nabi, i just want let you to think. if you're president and dont have any cabinet...would your motherland achieved glory? sama juga kepada sahabat nabi... logik ke nak benci diorang. logik ke nak kata diorang penzina? do you have a proof... 
-5- kamu ada bukti yang menunjukkan kitab 2/3 yang kamu miliki itu pelengkap al-quran? know what, al-quran sudah memadai bagi saya untuk menjadi muslim yang hebat

please lah... open your eyes please

kalau betul aliran syiah adalah benar

prove to me

Miles mean nothing when the person that is miles away means everything

bloggy..i want be honest with you
huhhh...how to start here
okay...im in love with this guy

gatai naa hang amira
haha... tapi tu lah... dia ni alim
asyik dengar tazkirah... tak de lah selalu, tapi pernah laa
anak uncle nordin
for sure bukan PASUM! 
okay... dia suka awak tak amira? ^^

treeeetttt treeeeetttt


ill never be brave like this to post about someone that id fall in love.. terang-terang kata im in love. But who cares? Tarak sapa nak baca bloggy yang uzur ni. 
Abang-abang pun tak boleh nak marah sebab dia tak pernah buat jahat pun. So seriously dia ni anak mak.

im in love
im in love
im in love


asyik im in love je... dengan ukulele pun im in love. Haishh...

amira! stop loving something or someone easily! You will get injured

Bla bla bla..you talk to me eh? Haha..yela yela... lepas ni tak nak buat dah

sayang mama, sayang abah, sayang allah, sayang nabi, sayang semuanya 

guys! if you love someone, dont too over confident he/she will be your life partner. Just ask Allah if he/she is the best for you. Doa senjata mukmin.
raise your hands =) ask to allah

see...easy right... budak kecik pun pandai

speak soon

nak jalan-jalan dengan senpai lepas ni

i love ukulele ^^

im in love ^^

I never find the right words to say. Just go with the flow each and everyday. I never knew there could be love like this. In a world full of cayos its always you i miss. Even we never meet, but...unspeakable... If there was one thing I could ask for, I would tell him that it's you i adore.

Demi cinta Islam
My heart skips a beat
my eyes full with tears. But im not going to cry. I just can wait for the day that you say that words. For the day I die. The sooner that happens, the sonner it will be.

With Allah's mercy
Just you and me

guys.. its fine if you dont date together...not any issue at all... kenapa? ingat PERFECT couple sangat lah kalau ke hulur sana-sini bersama. Please lah.. kita orang Islam. Agama pun ISLAM kan... pepandai lah jaga diri. DAH BESAR KAN ----> suka ulang ayat ni. Hihi ^^ lagi syioookkk keluar dengan member yang dianggap member tanpa sebarang perasaan. Alah..jangan buat-buat tak paham. When we look within our hearts and have the courage to be honest with ourselves, most times we will know how to solve our problems. When it comes to finding a suitable partner, we dont have any control over that: who we will meet, whether or not we will be attracted to that special someone and so on, is out of our hands. But when we control, is how we react and respond to what happens to us. And it is the decisions and responses that we make in life that guide us to our destiny. bydawayy... i learnt from mistakes.. many many mistakes. I know well okay :) The permissible ways to get the one whom you loves are sufficient i.e
contact the wali or the gaurdian of the person whom you desire to marry, there is no need for haraam means, but we make it hard for ourselves and the shaytaan takes advantage of that.

a SPRATCH to catch a mackerel

doa senjata mukmin. Doa dan terus berdoa

speak soon...

May Allah send you that special someone who will be a means of you drawing closer to Him and may He make your heart strong, confident and satisfied with whatever you have…



dont know how to start here! an excuse i hear all to often :) tiru jela...

before starting facing off my pc, everythings gonna be written

and now! poof! its gone away deliberately. hehe... who cares?

lets make my finger move by its own according my brain command

at certain moments, things seem very very and very cloudy. oh shit! i hate that person..

yeah...its you! who made me very stormly strongly displeased. (dapat agak marahnya macam mana?)

am i dont know where to start? heheh... apa yang aku mengarut nih -..-"

okay...okay and okay all along

pada satu malam yang hening Zzzzz... i was suffer from illness... touched incidentally by rain on that evening when back from exam hall.
oh man! tomorrow will be my basic physics 2! my mind was rotating like a ferris wheel. Grrr....
and suddenly...an anonymous@agitator text me...okay...its fine when you tried to pity on me. but it was a very hornbullshit when you tried to make sense with me.
''kau ni cari pasal dengan aku''
i was pretty sure it was a MAN! oh world! i hate pasum guys for the god sake. except for a certain man who i can regard as wise person. Yang lain tu freaky cowardIAN! lets imagine...

lagi satu type...Kau sengaje cari pasal tapi tak nak mengaku. HAHA! memang HERMAPHRODITE

okay...sebenarnya aku dah lama tak marah. Seriously... Aku sabar selama ni. Ye..kalau groupmates aku baca, for sure they will not expect this is me.

guys...i try to be kind! but they bike my kindness! you got that point?

kenapa marah sangat?

okay..first...kau ingat aku tottering sangat ke dengan lelaki tu? Please...Dia pun cari aku. Tak ada dia pun aku boleh bahagia. At least aku tak mempergunakan orang saat memerlukan. c'mon lah. Kalau dia hebat, dia tak kan cari aku untuk apa-apa hal pun. And..i never seek him for any reasons. Never! Tak pernah langsung! Dia tak bagi apa-apa faedah pun okay. Okay laa..maybe kau rasa aku ni sombong sangat sebab tak bertegur dengan kau kan. But who cares? Aku tak kacau hidup kau, tak nak pun kenal kau sebenarnya.. Sebab kau adalah that H! Sakit tak hati? 

sakit lagi hati aku pasal text kau

i will never forgive you


there are more reflections to come. But this is the one i want to write.-publicly-
so thanks for reading


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